Ceremonial Healing
Ceremonial Healing supports the body & soul parts that travel with us through lifetimes. Kai uses the sound of the drum & rattle to induce a natural trance state for communion with helping spirits. She conducts sessions inside reverently held sacred space. The work that unfolds may incorporate soul retrieval, chord cutting, extraction, compassionate depossession, curse unraveling, home/land clearing, ancestral healing, divination, psychopomp, sacred sound, and guided journeys.
Kai’s training & initiation in ancestral, earth based techniques span over two decades, and inform her gentle & precise practice. Her work as a practitioner includes Celtic, North & South American, Ancient Egyptian, and Compassionate Star Being lineages. Her intention is to offer assistance to others walking paths of resonance.
Ceremonial Healing may be of service during times of transition, grief and growth for regeneration & blessing. Sessions may be appropriate on a regular basis to maintain personal sovereignty, emotional balance, mental clarity, and energetic hygiene.
Ceremonial Healing Sessions are available virtually & in person in Sebastopol, California year round. In person sessions in NYC available seasonally.
Ceremonial Healing includes complimentary 30 minute phone consultation.
Session is 2 hours in length.
One should expect to leave a Ceremonial Healing feeling refreshed and relaxed, with a renewed sense of purpose. Create space in the rest of your day for integration. Drink lots of water, spend time in nature, take a long bath or shower, and have an early bedtime to fully integrate the experience.
Active Dreaming
There is a world behind the world that speaks to us in dreams, symbols, and synchronicity. Working to better understand spontaneous night dreams and other visionary experiences, we uncover a deep well of transformative power and growth.
Nightmares, reoccurring dreams, sleep paralysis, and other ‘big’ dreams often carry important messages and hidden possibilities for healing. During Shamanic Dream Healing sessions we will work with techniques brought forth through Robert Moss’s school of Active Dreaming to recover trapped energy, reclaim parts of the soul, and create road maps for personal evolution.
Sessions may also include ‘dream re-entry’, and other forms of shamanic journey aided by the sound of the drum. We will discuss ways to deepen your relationship with dreams including techniques for dream recall, ‘lucid’ dreaming, shamanic journeying, and communion with spirit allies & ancestors.
Sessions available in person are available in person & online.
In person sessions conducted in Sebastopol, California year round. In person sessions in NYC available seasonally.
Sound is one of the most powerful healing energies on the planet. It has the power to reorganize matter through laws of vibration, while entraining brainwaves to deep states of relaxation and higher states of consciousness. Kai utilizes sound healing practices from cultures around the world, and is a classically trained musician and vocalist of both eastern and western techniques.
During a session, she guides your journey with healing instruments, sacred songs, and heartbeat drumming to soothe, purify, and encourage you to rise anew. Relax into an immersive field of sound as you prepare to walk into the next stage of your path. Leave ordinary reality behind, and embrace deep aspects of yourself that are one with the forces of creation.
Sound Healing sessions are conducted in person in Sebastopol, California year round. In person sessions in NYC available seasonally.
Our ancestors relied on direct communion with the unseen, wise allies, and guardians of the land who reside in hidden realms.
Together, we will contact divine beings who assist in maintaining balance & harmony on personal & collective levels.
Sacred Path Readings are for those awakening to the call of their creative, primal selves. For those seeking clarification, and validation of choices, directions, and intentions on the path. When we make important life decisions, or find ourselves in confusion during crucial life passages, it is supportive to receive messages from the speaking world around us through oracular work: the reading of signs & synchronicities. Kai gives a clear reading of the present moment in relation to the past and possible future.
Sacred Path Readings are shared within a container of intention for growth, inspiration, and recovery. We work together with the helping spirits & ancient guidance of the Tarot to find understanding of current & future paths. Calibrating the inner compass of the heart with new approaches to old challenges, and hidden understandings of what is true now.
Bring questions about life, work, love, and creative offerings.
Bring big questions about your personal cosmology, and how to connect with other lifetimes & other worlds.
Bring questions about the story of your soul’s lineage, and ways to bring your many parts together into a greater whole.
Sessions available in person are available in person & online.
Sessions are conducted in person in Sebastopol, California year round. In person sessions in NYC available seasonally.
Ritual & Support
Rituals created for you, your tribe, and the passages of life.
Join with Kai to create ceremonial space to mark the birth of a child, the joining of two souls in sacred vows, or to attend to a loved one close to the sacred portal of death.
Kai is trained as a guide between the realms of life and death, also called a 'psychopomp.' She is a Certified Dementia Practitioner, and specializes in the 'language of the elders' who are preparing to make the crossing into spirit.
Kai is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, and licensed to perform marriage ceremonies in the state of NY.
Space Clearing
Our homes and work spaces are often in need of clearing, protection, and recharging for us to live and work in harmony with the energies in the places we reside. Using traditional techniques gathered from shamanic traditions around the world, Kai will help you to create a shining atmosphere in the places that are most dear to you.
Kai is a trained 'pyschopomp,'or soul guide, and able to assist with facilitating peaceful transitions for ‘unwanted guests’ and spirit visitors.
Space clearing rituals include skill shares on how to maintain an uplifted atmosphere through smudging, the construction of altars, and offerings to spirit.
Available for home, office, and event spaces.
Sessions available in person are available in person & online.